After School Club
From Monday to Friday Christ the King runs its own After School Club.
The Club is open to all and runs from 3.30 pm – 6 pm (Monday to Thursday) and 3.30pm to 5pm on Fridays.
The cost for each daily session is a single charge of £10, which includes a snack and a drink.
We offer a wide range of activities for the children both inside and out. This includes football, hockey, computers, Wii, board games, crafts, painting, colouring, snooker, table football, air hockey, table tennis, lego themed parties, marble run, knex and lots more.
Breakfast Club
From Monday to Friday Christ the King runs its own Breakfast Club.
The club runs from 7.30am until 8.45am and we then take the children safely to their own class and hand them over to their teacher.
The cost for each session (7.30am - 8.45am) is a single charge of £5, which includes a healthy breakfast ie: cereal and toast and a drink.
Breakfast club is a pleasant, relaxed club, where children can do activities such as drawing, crafts, lego and playmobile.
Registration & Booking
Bookings for both clubs is done thorugh Parentpay. Both Breakfast Club and After School Club are now very popular and full on a number of occasions, so to ensure that we have the required staff to look after the children safely, prebooking is essential.
Parentpay will allow you to book a session, but unless payment is made BEFORE
the actual session, then unfortunately your child/ren won't appear on our registers. Therefore, please ensure that any sessions are BOOKED
the session so that they appear on our actual registers.
Childcare Vouchers
- we accept a number of Childcare Vouchers. If you'd like to pay by Childcare Vouchers, they will need to be added to Parentpay manually by the School Office. You need to inform the Office of the amount and how you'd like this allocated between each child and each club. Please allow 3 - 5 working days for the vouchers to be added onto Parentpay.
After School Club
- the cut off for booking After School Club is 10am on the day of the session.
Breakfast Club
- the cut off for booking Breakfast Club is 12pm the day before the session. Please ensure that any bookings for Breakfast Club on a Monday are BOOKED and PAID for by 12pm on the Friday before. Unfortunately, Parentpay will allow you to book over the weekend, but your child will NOT be on our registers as we arrange suitable staffing according to the booking numbers on a Friday. We can't therefore guarantee a space is available (unless in an emergency situation).
Before adding the first session, you need to complete a Registration Form which are available from the School Office or Club. Any questions, please contact the School Office via email - or call us on 01454 866680
Children who attend both clubs love the atmosphere and all the activities. It's a great way to make new friends whilst having fun!