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Year 6 - Neptune Class
Hello and Welcome to Year 6,
This Year 6 team consists of myself as the class teacher and Mrs Johnson and Mrs Hussey as the Teaching Assistants, who are there to support the children.
Below is some information about the year, what the children will be learning and some ideas on how you can help your child at home. I hope you find it useful. If you have any questions or queries about your child's learning at school or at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Walsh-Young
English: Across the year, we will explore and write a range of genres. We will cover narratives, non-chronological reports, explanation texts, poetry, diary entries, persuasive leaflets, and discussion. When appropriate these will be taught through a text and linked to other areas of the curriculum. The main texts this year will be Rose Blanche, How to Live Forever and The Promise. We will also have a class book that we will be reading.
Throughout the Autumn term we will work on place value, the four operations, fractions and converting units. During the Spring Term, we will focus on ration, algebra, decimals and percentages. In the summer term, we will study shape, statistics and position and direction. Children need to practise all their timestables at home so that they are confident with them. They need to be able to manipulate known facts so they can identify the missing answers to these style of questions 32 ÷ ? = 4 and use that times table fact to know 40 x 80 = 3200. Please encourage your child to log onto Times Tables Rockstarts at least once a week.
Physical Education (PE): Our PE day is a Friday afternoon. We will do a mixture of activiites both inside and if the weather is kind, outside. It is important that your child has the right PE kit each week. They will need trainers, a t-shirt, and eithe rshorts (if its hot) or track suit bottoms or leggings. As we ar eapproaching the winter months, a jumper suitable for exercising in would also be useful. We will cover a range of sports, netball, yoga, fitness and athletics. In addition, at the start of year 6, your child will have a chance to complete Level 2 Bikeability.
Homework: This year, homework will be given out on a Friday and should be completed and handed-in by the following Tuesday. It will consist of spellings, a maths activity, an English activity, timetables practise and daily reading of at least 10 minutes. Reading is incredibly important to help children reach their potential and ideally children should read for 10 minutes every night. Children should record their reading in their Reading Records. You are also encouraged to write a comment in addition to theirs. It is important that they try to read a wide range of books and texts. We will also visit the library throughout the year.
How to Help Your Child At Home: Firstly, I would encourage your to talk to myself if you feel there is a particular area that your child requires support with. With regards to English - reading is a key way to support and further your child. For maths, working on knowing all their times tables at speed is crucial for Year 6 and to prepare them for Year 7. Times Tables Rockstars is a fabulous tool for working on their times tables. There are various other free websites to support maths:
SATs Revision: The children in Year 6 will sit their end of Key Stage 2 SATs in May 2024. Much work will be done in school to prepare the children for these and we will have a parent meeting to give you further information. If you would like to help your child at home, there are some useful books by several companies such as CGP or Rising Stars that focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), Maths Arithmetic, Math Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. If you would like some advice on how to help prepare your child, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Free 10-minute online test for Maths and English
There are some free SATs online 10-minute tests available for both English and Maths. Click here to access these tests.
Please click here to view our Long Term plan for this Year. This document details our topics and focus for each subject for Terms 1 through to 6 for this academic year.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School