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'Making a difference by inspiring a love of life and learning for all. We build strong foundations within God's loving hands'.
We provide a Catholic Christian education based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Our Core Values. Our Core Values are inspired by Gospel values and stem from love - love is forgiveness, sharing and kindness. They are:
At Christ the King Catholic Primary School we inspire our children to have a lifelong love of learning through a broad, enriched and balanced curriculum. We aspire for all children to be the best they can be and make a difference to our world by building strong foundations within God’s loving hands.
Our key curriculum drivers are:
At Christ the King Catholic Primary School, we aim to inspire a lifelong curiosity about the world, through specific disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry. Teaching should give pupils the knowledge linked to how science has changed our lives and how it is vital to the world’s prosperity. Pupils will learn about plants, animals including humans, everyday materials and their uses, seasonal changes, living things and their habitat, rocks, light, forces and magnets, states of matter, sound, electricity, earth and space, and evolution and inheritance. Skills taught will cover how to work scientifically through asking questions, observing, conducting tests, gathering, recording and presenting data. As children move into Upper KS2, they will use these skills to make links, and demonstrate how findings can support or refute arguments. Science learning will be linked to other subject areas where applicable, developing our cross-curricular approach. The National Curriculum informs our chosen topics, which are sequential and include progression of skills. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Children will understand how Catholic virtues and British Values relate to Science. There will be opportunities beyond the classroom for real life learning and for pupils to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Science is taught in (blocks) throughout the year so that children develop a deep and secure understanding. There are also links between science and other areas of the curriculum where appropriate and where it adds value to both the subjects. Skills are built on year on year and sequenced appropriately throughout the school and lessons are planned using this document. Monitoring occurs regularly by the Curriculum Leads.
Class teachers use National Curriculum statements to inform their planning. These statements provide teachers with programmes of study. Class teachers will then create lesson objectives and activities, guided by the National Curriculum statements. Teachers will also provide opportunities for scientific talk, enquiry and investigations, in relation to each programme of study as provided by the National Curriculum. Each year group follows a progression of content and skills, as detailed in the National Curriculum.
Each topic across the curriculum as a whole has a knowledge organiser which is shared with children and parents. This knowledge organiser will provide details of the science taught within that topic. There is also shared vocabulary and an entry/exit quiz as a method of assessment in Key Stage 2. Science lessons are scaffolded for those that need support to provide equality in provision and to maintain high standards of achievement for all pupils. Where possible, children will engage in practical investigations and experiments, using enquiry, hypothesis, observation, recording, evaluation and presentation skills.
Our principal aim is that children leave Christ the King with a wide range of happy and rich memories in RE formed through interesting and exciting experiences driven through an engaging and comprehensive curriculum which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith, enabling them to develop a living and personal faith in Jesus Christ and allowing them to know and love God.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School