Telephone +44 (0)1454 866680
'Making a difference by inspiring a love of life and learning for all. We build strong foundations within God's loving hands'.
We provide a Catholic Christian education based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Our Core Values are inspired by Gospel values and stem from love - love is forgiveness, sharing and kindness. They are:
At Christ the King Catholic Primary School we inspire our children to have a lifelong love of learning through a broad, enriched and balanced curriculum. We aspire for all children to be the best they can be and make a difference to our world by building strong foundations within God’s loving hands.
Our approach to learning is a focus on oracy and practical, real-life experiences rooted in Christ. Our aim is to provide a curriculum that allows our pupils to develop and flourish as lifelong learners, in an environment in which the dignity of each person as a child of God is recognised and developed. We aim for our pupils to leave ready for the next stage of their education as responsible, dynamic citizens with a clear moral purpose. We encourage them to embrace all that multi-cultural Britain has to offer them including an understanding of British Values. We believe all children deserve the opportunity to nurture their individual talents and to achieve their true potential.
Our Catholic values help children to develop their social and moral code, as they build their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as an individual.
Our curriculum fully meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and is enhanced by the teaching of Religious Education as set out by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales. If you wish to explore them further, please use the following links:
Our principles for high quality teaching and engaging learning are that all our children:
Our curriculum topics are carefully chosen and we have curriculum overviews for each year group from Year 1 - 6 to incorporate the key elements of the National Curriculum objectives and to ensure progression throughout the school, building upon prior knowledge. Each subject is planned carefully and differentiated according to children's current knowledge and skills and has a strong grounding in oracy.
Each subject has a subject leader who helps to inspire colleagues and children within their subject. All subject leaders are given training and the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and to develop their curriculum areas.
Our curriculum is enriched through local community visits and projects, school trips, visiting speakers and residential trips. We firmly believe that real life experiences like these create lasting memories and strengthen the learning happening in school.
At Christ the King, we have an extensive outdoor environment including the woodlands and a gardening area. Our school grounds are used for active learning for all of our pupils.
Please click on the links below to view the overview for each Year group:
Phonics is taught through Letters and Sounds. This is used throughout the school particularly in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. We use a phonic based reading scheme which is based on children being able to decode words drawing on their phonic knowledge. More confident readers are able to choose from class readers and a well-stocked library. We encourage children to read daily at home and this is monitored. The school gives additional booster provision to children who may need extra support.
At Christ the King Catholic Primary, Sex and Relationships Education is taught through a whole school policy and, where possible, is integrated into other areas of the curriculum such as religious education, science, Ten Ten (Live life to the Full) and PSHE (Jigsaw Programme). It is always taught within the context of the church's teaching on sexual relationships. Parents are informed prior to any lessons from the class teacher and parents are given the opportunity to discuss what their child will be learning so that they can support their child's work at home. Any questions that children ask are answered sensitively and in a caring manner. Lessons and resources are always chosen to suit the age of the children.
We are proud of the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer at Christ the King. Children enjoy a range of opportunities to explore their own gifts and talents. We have high expectations for all and children are proud of their progress and achievements as a result.
At Christ the King, the children experience a variety of educational visits and visitors, which prove to be valuable learning experiences. Each year our children consolidate their learning about their faiths and enjoy visits to places of worship. The major world religions are revisited on a rolling cycle.
We understand the crucial role parents have in promoting learning beyond the school gate and ensuring children make the best possible progress. We pride ourselves on being an open, friendly and approachable school that encourages parents to be actively involved in children's learning. As well as Parents Evenings, we host regular events to inform parents how they can support their child or to come and work alongside their child:
As a school we have strong links with our local community. We strive to make a difference by:
The method of measuring impact varies across subjects and can be found in individual curriculum statements.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School