Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol


Early Years Foundation Stage - Reception Class

Hello and welcome to EYFS Class Page.  Our Class name is Mercury.

We really enjoy being at school and doing lots of fun learning! We do lots of fun activities throughout the day - we are always busy! 

Please remember to bring in a healthy snack and a water bottle every day.  Milk is provided as is fruit for their afternoon snack.  It is a good idea to ensure all clothes, lunchboxes etc... are named so they can be returned if they get lost.  Wellies need to stay in school so we can use the Woodland area when the weather is nice.  The children also need a coat as we go out to play even in the rain.

PE will be on a Thursday and throughout the year we will be doing a range of activities such as dance, games and gymnastics.  There is also  climbing equipment the children can use at playtime as well as our brand new fun play area.

We follow the Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phonics programme and we learn 4 sounds a week and revisit those sounds on a Friday.  Please click here for a timetable which tells you the sounds and Common Exception Words we learn each week.  We are very keen that your child develops a love of reading.  Reading books are collected in every Monday morning and sent home on a Tuesday along with a sharing book your child chooses for you to enjoy together.  A Phonics evening is held in September to give you ideas on how to help your child read at home.

In Maths we do lots of practical activities throughout the week to develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10 and we have lots of fun finding out about shapes and patterns.

We spend a lot of time learning to draw and love our Drawing Club which helps us with our writing but also inspires us to be amazing storytellers and illustrators.

In RE listen to stories from the Bible and we learn how important it is to look after God’s beautiful World. We love the fact that we are all unique and we work hard to make a difference in this world and help and love everyone.

Exciting things to look out for over the year are our Nativity, our class assembly and our school visit to Puxton Park in the Summer Term!

If you have any worries or would like to ask me anything, you can catch me at the gate in the morning or after school or you can email the school or use my direct email. 

Long Term Plan

Please click here to view our Long Term plan for this Year.  This document details our topics and focus for each subject for Terms 1 through to 6 for this academic year.

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