Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol

Year 3 - Mars Class

Hello and welcome to Year 3,

Our Year 3 teachers are Mrs Hierro (Monday, and Tuesday afternoons) and Mrs Cannon (Tuesday morning, and Wednesday-Friday).

Below you will find some useful information about the school year ahead.

If you do have any questions or concerns regarding your child's learning, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Mrs Cannon

Information for Year 3 Class



  • Term 1 - The Stone Age to Iron Age


English:   Our English is planned in a three-phase unit around a class picture book. During this time, we will explore the author’s writing style, characters and setting. We will be using our skills from Key Stage 1 during short-burst writing opportunities, and will build our learning over the three weeks to create a piece of writing at the end. Twice a week we will have a grammar focus, using the book as context for applying this grammar. There are two phases per term, one with a story/narrative outcome, and one with a non-fiction outcome.  We will also have a week of poetry each term. 

  • Class text term 1 – ‘The Invisible’ by Tom Percival
    Whole-class reading book/Guided Reading Term 1 – Charlotte’s Web
  • Class text term 2 – ‘The Proudest Blue’ by Ibitibaj Muhammad
    Whole-class reading book/Guided Reading Term 1 – An Alien in the Jam Factory

Maths:  We will be looking at Place Value this term, building on Key Stage 1 skills. We will be identifying, representation and flexibly partitioning numbers to 1000, finding 1, 10 and 100 more/less than, and counting in 50s. We will begin our Addition and Subtraction learning towards the end of the term, looking at adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and 100s to three-digit numbers, and adding and subtracting two three-digit numbers.

Religious Education (RE):  Our RE learning begins with us exploring creation and covenant. We will remind ourselves of the creation story and will explore it’s message, meanings and discuss why the creation story was told. We will also explore psalms and discuss what we use these for today.

History:  Our History takes us on a journey through the Stone Age, into the Bronze Age and ending with the Iron Age. We will explore how our ancestors found new materials and developed tools that improved how they lived, and discuss how archaeologists and scientists today are able to find out about pre-historic Britain.

Computing:  We will be learning all about how to use technology safely, discussing how to keep ourselves safe whilst using the internet, identifying apps that allow us to share personal information, and exploring how they too share information between each other. You can support us in this learning at home by looking at your privacy settings together and discussing your child’s internet use keeping an open communication with them about their use of technology.

PE:  Our PE this term is Tag Rugby. Our sessions take place on a Thursday. Please ensure appropriate clothing for the weather is provided as we do attempt to go outside for these sessions whenever possible.

Year 3 - Long Term Plan - 2024 - 2025

Please click here to view our Long Term plan for this Year.  This document details our topics and focus for each subject for Terms 1 through to 6 for this academic year.

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