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Year 5 - Saturn Class
Hello and Welcome to Year 5!
My name is Mrs Bairstow and I am the Year 5 teacher in Term 1 until I go on Maternity Leave. There will be a new teacher in Year 5 from Term 2 onwards (more information about this will follow.) Also in Year 5, we have Mrs Day, Mrs Linehan and Mrs Sims.
Below is some information on what we will be learning about, our topics and some ideas for how you can help your child at home, which I hope will be useful.
If you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning at school or at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes,
Mrs Bairstow
Topic: Our topic throughout the Autumn Term is ‘Caring for the Environment.’ We will be studying this through our curriculum subjects of English (reading our class text ‘The Promise,’) Religious Education (learning about God’s Creation) and also through subjects such as Geography and Science.
English: Our first class text is ‘The Promise’ by Nicola Davies before we move onto ‘Hidden Figures’ by Margot Lee Shetterly in Term 2. In the first term, we will be working on writing an alternative version of the story ‘The Promise’ and we will also write instructions for how to improve a city. In Term 2, we will retell the story of ‘Hidden Figures’ from one of the women’s perspectives and we will write a biography based on one of the four women.
Mathematics: In Maths, we will start by recapping place value before moving onto addition and subtraction. We will use the column addition and subtraction methods as well as learning how to estimate, use inverse operations and select efficient strategies for calculations. We will also study multiplication and division and children will be practising the written methods of short multiplication, long multiplication and short division. Throughout the term, it is essential that children practise all of their times tables, as they need to know them at speed and be able to apply them to different areas of Maths, such as division, fractions, decimals and percentages. Some useful websites for children to access at home are Topmarks, BBC Bitesize, Times Table Rockstars, Corbett Maths and IXL (found at
Religious Education (RE): In Religious Education, we will be learning about Creation and how we can become People of God. We will also be comparing different accounts of the Creation story and will be studying the Beatitudes for Christians. The second topic is called Prayer, Saints and Feasts, and we also plan to do some Multi Faith learning this term.
Physical Education (PE): Our PE will mainly consist of our weekly swimming lessons on a Wednesday at Tockington Manor. On a Wednesday, children may come to school wearing their PE kits and will also need to bring their swimming kits in a bag. We will have a very short PE session on some Tuesday mornings, so children may wear trainers to school on a Tuesday.
Homework: Homework will go out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday (5 days later.) It will include daily reading and recording a comment in the children’s yellow Reading Record. Please ensure that you still hear your child read in Year 5 and write down how they have done in their Reading Record- we welcome comments in there from both you and your child. Please ask your child questions about what they have read, in particular ask them to summarise their text, make inferences and predictions, and comparisons to other books they have read. Reading is not restricted to levelled reading books- children should read a variety of text types such as magazines, newspapers, instruction manuals, information books and comics. Other homework set will be a minimum of 25 minutes to complete activities on both Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed, and an alternating maths and English task each week, which will be based on the children’s learning in class that week.
Please click here to view our Long Term plan for this Year. This document details our topics and focus for each subject for Terms 1 through to 6 for this academic year.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School