Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol


Parent View is an on-line feedback system that gives you the opportunity to tell Ofsted what you think about Christ the King Primary. It asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of our school, from the quality of teaching to how we deal with behaviour. By sharing your views, you'll be helping us to improve - we'll aim to keep doing the things you praise and sort out the things you criticise.

At Christ the King we are proud of our Open Door policy and the relationships we build with our families. If you have any concerns that are specific to your child/ren it might be better to contact either the Class Teacher or Mrs Mainwaring (Head Teacher) so we can respond quickly and specifically to help your child/ren.

Whilst visiting Parent View website. you'll also be able to see what other parents have said about Christ the King and, if you want, to view the results for any school in England.
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