Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol
Christ The King Primary School Thornbury, Bristol


The Governors make important, collective decisions and the Governing Body is answerable to parents and the community. The responsibilities of the Governing Body can be summarised as providing strategic management, acting as a critical friend and ensuring accountability. Specific responsibilities include:


  • ensuring that the school is conducted as a Catholic School and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Clifton;
  • setting the school's aims and values;
  • planning the school's long-term future;
  • promoting high standards of education and achievement;
  • setting, agreeing and overseeing budgets;
  • appointing senior staff, including the Headteacher;


When compared to a business, the Governing Body is the Board of Directors with the Headteacher being the Managing Director. Many responsibilities are delegated to the Head Teacher.

The table below shows the Governor Attendance figures:

Please note: Not all Governors are required at all meetings. Some Governors joined during an academic year, therefore the maximum number of meetings will be reduced.

Name Full Governing Body Resources Leading & Learning Mission & Vision
Mrs M Mainwaring Yes (9 of 9) Yes (3 of 3) Yes (3 of 3) Yes (3 of 3)
Mrs M Baskerville Yes (9 of 9) Yes (2 of 3) Yes (2 of 3) Yes (3 of 3)
Mr M Coyle Yes (8 of 9) Yes (2 of 3) No No
Mrs A Willan Yes (7 of 9) Yes (3 of 3) No Yes (1 of 3)
Fr G Malecki Yes (8 of 9) No Yes (0 of 3) Yes (3 of 3)
Mrs S Hussey Yes (9 of 9) Yes (2 of 2) Yes (2 of 3) No
Mrs G Brooks Yes (9 of 9) Yes (3 of 3) Yes (2 of 2) Yes (3 of 3)
Mrs S Howell Yes (7 of 9) No Yes (3 of 3) No
Mrs R Yemm Yes (9 of 9) Yes (2 of 2) Yes (3 of 3) Yes (1 of 3)
Mr P Crowley Yes (8 of 9) Yes (3 of 3) No Yes (3 of 3)
Mr P Walley Yes (8 of 9) Yes (2 of 2) No No

Execution of Responsibilities

Each year, the Governors elect the Chair and Vice-Chair. The FGB is supported by 3 sub-committees:
  • Resources Committee: responsible for finances, performance management, pay, staffing, GDPR, Health and Safety, and buildings management. This committee also complete an annual evaluation the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) confirming that all processes and procedures are sound and that the school leadership team and the governing body appropriately ensure financial control and best value in all aspects of school affairs;

  • Leading & Learning Committee: responsible for all matters relating to the delivery and monitoring of the curriculum, SEND (Special Educational Needs), policies in relation to teaching and learning and monitoring progress on the School Development Plan;

  • Mission & Vision Committee: responsible for setting the Admissions policy and considers and deals with all applications for school places whether they be In-Year or September intakes, also responsible for conserving and preserving the Catholic Life and ethos of the school and to monitor the impact of RE and collective worship;

Governor Meeting Minutes

The minutes of Governor meetings are kept in the school office and are available to read upon request.

Contacting Governors

Governors can be contacted through the main school office on 01454 866680 or via our school email:
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