At Christ the King our pupils are taught and encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices. We have a number of safeguarding policies and practices in place to ensure all our children are kept safe, happy and healthy. Policies are in place to ensure that there is a consistent approach to practices by all staff, Governors, volunteers and all who come into contact with our children whilst in our care. During our latest OFSTED inspection during December 2016, it was noted that 'safeguarding is taken seriously by staff in the school. The open, nurturing and inclusive culture that leaders have fostered means that pupils feel comfortable speaking up if anything is troubleing them.'
Child Protection
This is a sensitive area in which all staff receive regular training. Staff from Christ the King primary and other services for children and families all work together to support the needs of children. To ensure policies and practices are followed there is a designated Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer in school - Mrs Mainwaring our Head Teacher and in her absence, Mrs Yemm our Deputy Head. Mrs Angela Willan is our named Governor for child protection. Please
click here
to view our Safe Guarding & Child Protection Policy.
Children's attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis and notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up. In cases of continued absence, we work closely with families and Education Welfare to ensure children attend school on a regular basis.
Click here
to view our attendance policy.
High standards of behaviour by all children are expected in our school. Our behaviour policy clearly sets out how we promote and encourage good behaviour and deal with any issues. On a regular basis, our children are reminded about our school rules and they know that we have them in order for everyone to be happy and keep safe.
Click here
to view our Positive Relationship Policy.
Health and Safety
Staff, Governors and pupils alike know they have a responsbility to ensure all children and adults at Christ the King are able to work in a healthy and safe environment. We have several first-aiders amongst our staff - they deal with illnesses and accidents should they occur. Click
to view our Health and Safety Policy.
Through the planned curriculum, we ensure that the issues of healthy eating, physical exercise and safety are taught. This is enhanced by many outside agencies who are invited into school to teach our children specific areas of safety. We regularly run cycle and scooter proficiency training, Stranger Danger Awareness, Road Safety, Internet Safety Day to name but a few.
We take E-Safety very seriously. It forms a key part of our Computing Curriculum and is studied by all students across all year groups, from Foundation Stage right up to Year 6. We have robust internal procedures to protect the children whilst they are using technology in school. The Staff and Governors feel that e-Safety isn't something that should just be discussed in school. As such, each year we hold an 'Internet Safety Day' to coincide with National Safer Internet day which is held in February each year. As part of this and to raise awareness of this important topic we invite parents into school for activities and give useful information to parents to help them talk to their child about using modern day technology.
Click here
to view our E-Safety Policy.
Acceptable Use of ICT
This policy states what is acceptable in terms of use of hardware, use of the internet and publishing content. It is intended for all ICT users at Christ the King Primary - staff, children, governors and volunteers. As part of this, we also have a
Social Media Policy which depicts how we would expect staff to behave when using Social Media.
Safer Recruitment and Selection
Governors and the school's Senior Leadership Team ensure that all staff new to the school and volunteers who help on a regular basis undertake a DBS check and in the case of employment, full references are acquired and background checks made before the person takes up post. At least one member of every recruitment selection panel has undergone Safer Recruitment Training.
We operate an 'Open Door' policy and if parents have any concerns or wish to discuss any matter, they are more than welcome to come and talk with their childs class teacher or the Head Teacher. The school is committed to working closely with all parents and carers for the benefit of the children. We do have a
Complaints Policy
in place and for any issues you feel have not been resolved satisfactorily.