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Year 4 - Jupiter Class
Hello and Welcome to Year 4,
My name is Miss Haigh and I am the teacher for Year 4. I will teach every day with Mrs Hierro teaching on a Tuesday Morning. We are supported by Miss Organ and Mrs Williams.
Below is some information about the year and the topics the children will be learning and some ideas on how you can help your child at home. I hope you find it useful.
If you do have any questions or concerns regarding your child's learning, please do not hesitate to contact me, via the school office, and we can arrange a mutually convenient time to speak.
Best Regards,
Miss Haigh
School Day: Your school day will commence at 8.45am and will finish at 3.15pm. You must come into school through the Oakleaze Road entrance and onto the KS1 playground. You will then enter the class via the KS2 entrance leading up the ramp straight into the cloakroom. Morning break will start at 11:00am and end at 11.15am. Lunchtime will be 12.30pm - 1.30pm.
English: We will be looking at a variety of texts this year. Focusing on one text for each half term. These will touch upon fiction aspects as well as non-fiction aspects. Writing full story retellings to informative non-chronological reports.
Maths: We will start with a recap on place value before moving onto addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. We will use the column method as well as estimating and inverse and efficient calculations. Throughout the year, children need to practise all their times tables, they need to know them at speed and be able to use them to calculate the linked division facts. This is also to help with the Multiplication Timestable Check in June. Some useful website are : MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -, Topmarks, BBC Bitesize and Times Tables Rockstars.
Religious Education (RE): In RE our learning will start with Creation and Covenant, focusing on the importance of Abhram or Abraham. Looking at his journey through Egypt and his covenant with God. We will then be providing opportunities for all pupils to consider the areas they would like to reflect and write prayers for. Our learning will also continue to show us real life examples of God’s covenant in action today. After half term, we will learn about Prophecy and Promise in the Season of Advent.
Homework: Homework will be set each week on a Wednesday or Thursday in their homework books. It will consist of spellings, times tables and reading. Times tables will be set on Times Table Rock Stars. Children need to practise all of their times tables up to 12. This is extremely important as in Year 4 they will be assessed at the end of the year. Please also listen to your child read as much as possible. It is important that parents write in and sign their child's yellow Reading Record book every time they hear their child read, and that this and their reading book(s) are brought to school every day. Parents should also ask their children questions about what they have read: in particular asking them to retell the story, make inferences and predictions, and comparisons to other books they have read. Reading doesn't have to be restricted to levelled reading books - children should read different genres such as magazines, newspapers, instructions, information books and comics.
How to Help your Child at Home: There are lots of fun things you can do at home to help with your child's learning - reading is a key important one, but also ask them about their day - can they recall what they learnt in each lesson? Practise writing their numbers with them and letter formation. Handwriting can also be easily practised at home.
Please click here to view our Long Term plan for this Year. This document details our topics and focus for each subject for Terms 1 through to 6 for this academic year.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School