Telephone +44 (0)1454 866680
Below is some useful informaiton for parents with some links to various support organisations should you need them.
Click the link below for a guide for parents to help children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age.
Mind You
A new website has been launched for parents and young people to help access information about mental health.
1 Big Database
1 Big Database has information about a wide range of services for young children, young people, their parents and carers and professionals in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Information is available on topics such as:
Children & Young People Information Service
South Gloucestershire Council have lots of information and advice on topics such as Education & Learning, Health & Social Care, House and Safeguarding, amongst other topics.
Supportive Parents
Supportive Parents is a charity providing information, advice and support to parents, children and young people about any type of Special Educational Need or Disability from 0 - 25 years who live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.
Outdoor Pursuits
Useful guides on outdoor safety including advice on:
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School