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Here at Christ the King Catholic Primary School, we have a very active and enthusiastic Chaplaincy Team. Our Chaplaincy Team is led by our Deputy Head and RE Lead, Mrs Yemm. Our Chaplaincy Team work hard to help develop the Catholic life of our school. We aim to share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet and we encourage others to do the same. At Christ the King, we are always thinking of ways in which we can 'Make a Difference' to the lives of others.
Strengthening Mission: One of the aims of our Chaplaincy Team is to think about how we can bring God's word to others. We have been thinking about how we can help those less fortunate than ourselves through our Catholic Social Teaching work focusing on the option for the poor and vulnerable.
We 'Made a Difference' to those who are struggling to afford food to eat by collecting food for the Food Bank as part of our Harvest Festival celebrations.
During Advent, we thought in particular about those children who would be spending Christmas in hospital, away from their families. We also thought about the doctors and nurses who would be giving up their time with their families to look after the sick. We organised a selection of playtime games such as 'Guess the name of the Teddy' 'Corn Holes', 'How many sweets in a jar', 'Find Santa's presents' and 'Nerf Challenge' to raise money. We also organised a whole school cake sale. We managed to raise a huge £286 and we were so pleased that we 'Made a Difference' to those who were poorly this Christmas!
Rosary Club: this year, we started our Rosary Club. This takes place in October and May. We open up the Chapel at lunchtimes and invite the children to come and pray the Rosary. We would like to thank Christ the King Church for their kind donations of Rosary beads.
Angel of the Week: Each week we award an 'Angel' to two children in the school who have demonstrated and upheld our value for that term. All children can vote for their nominated child via boxes around the school. The Chaplaincy team review the nominations and discuss who the winner should be. Each Friday the award is made in assembly in front of the whole school and we celebrate how their actions have made a difference to another individual.
Deepening Prayer - Mrs Crowley has been working with us to develop our Prayer Garden. The theme of our Prayer Garden changes throughout the year and children have the opportunity to use this special space for group and private prayer as well as religious activities and crafts
Governor & Observation Work - Throughout the year we also meet with our Foundation Governors and update them on the work we do. Along with Mrs Yemm, our RE Lead, we go around the school and observe RE lessons and Prayer Sessions as well as monitoring our school environment and we feedback how we think improvements can be made.
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School