Telephone +44 (0)1454 866680
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to hold a “Meet the Teacher” after school meeting. The class teachers from Years 1 –6 will be sending home a presentation this year with information about the class, homework, routines, reading and expectations. The PowerPoint will also be uploaded onto the class website pages.
If you would like to make an appointment to meet with your class teacher, please phone or email the school office to arrange a phone call appointment. We are limiting the amount of visitors and parents in school at the moment.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 982 6009 1748
Passcode: 10Us2E
Christ the King Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided primary school. Registered Office: Easton Hill, Road, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1AW
Christ the King Catholic Primary School